A downloadable game

Note: Press E to listen to Audio Recording

Link to Gameplay Video: 

Horror themed walking sim created as a student project for Lab II at JMC Academy, Sydney.  https://www.jmcacademy.edu.au/

Developers links

Charlie Looyen: https://www.therookies.co/u/CharlieLooyen

Jackson Skinner: https://therookies.co/u/Valgius, https://www.linkedin.com/feed/

Tiger Vongsinnasone: https://www.therookies.co/u/TigerKV48


Baxter Dick Evans:

Voice Actor

Marly Dunn:


Crawlspace.zip 188 MB


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(1 edit)

The game was quite short and I thought I could play  Ouija board but the game just end but I still like how game looks anyway well done keep it up!